It had to be birds

So far homeschooling has been fantastic. It has allowed me to see where the kids are in their academic understanding and highlight where the holes are so we can focus on the areas they need most. It has also shown what they are interested in.

One of the most surprising things is that J loves birds. I mean he LOVES birds. He loves watching them, he loves talking about them, he loves learning about their migration patterns, what they eat, where they live, the different types, etc., etc., etc. At first I thought his interest was fleeting, but I now know his bird love is the real deal. Sure, this has been a little awkward since I have such a strong dislike of the flying creatures, but it has been so wonderful to see his interest grow and expand. 

Today we went to the Tracy Aviary. It has been at least ten years since we were there last and they have made so many neat improvements. J and D ran from exhibit to exhibit searching for feathers. It was fun to watch. We saw so many unique birds and we all chose our favorites. I’m glad J found something he gets excited about and I love that homeschool gives us the flexibility to be curious, ask questions, and focus on each kid's interests. 




Southern Ground Hornbill


Flamingos and us with masks.


Flamingos and us without masks.




The devastation from the windstorm was everywhere, 

but this behemoth was intentionally placed a long time ago.



J came home and started making a bird house for our neighborhood feathered friends. Guess we'll experiment with different building mediums.
