IT'S A BOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That's right, folks! We have grown. What once was four is now FIVE! Little D joined us last week. Weighing in at 8 lbs 9 oz and 22 inches long he is our largest yet. He is an absolute joy and Steve and I could not be happier. How did this amazing blessing come our way? J's birthmom contacted us and explained she was pregnant and not in a position to parent and asked if we would want to. How did we respond? YES!!! AND CAN WE KISS THE GROUND YOU WALK ON? (Not exactly a direct quote, but pretty dang close.) We are so grateful for her and M's birthmom and for their sacrifice which allows us to be parents to THREE (can you believe it!) glorious children.

J and D's birthmom asked Steve if he wanted to hold D first. Steve was thrilled.

M could hardly wait her turn.

Mommy had a hard time waiting too.

J ran around the hospital room discovering what sound is made by slamming metal together.

And then he realized Mommy was holding something and climbed up to investigate.

So many little fingers so many little helpers.

Waiting for discharge paperwork.

New arrival.

Welcomed by some pretty excited older siblings.

Count 'em. Three.


  1. Oh, my heavens! Congratulations! AGAIN? Wow! I'm a little disappointed we didn't get to do it together this round, being that our previous two kids are only weeks apart, but I'm so dang happy for you. AAAHHH! We've got to make it over to see you soon as your ready for us, that is!

  2. I'm so happy for you guys! That is wonderful news!! You have such a cute family!

  3. I can't believe it! The minivan worked!!! Talk to you soon!

  4. Congrats! I'd love you to text me or email me his name. Hope he is healthy and happy!

  5. Congrats!!!!! I'm so happy for you guys!!

  6. Amazing! I am so happy for your little family, now a big family! I want to hear the whole story in detail. I'll call you when things calm down for you!!



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