Last year I read a blog post that swore if you drank a glass of grape juice you would be spared from any illness that induced vomiting. I jokingly read this out loud and Steve (whose worst fear is vomiting) bought it hook, line, and sinker. He has faithfully consumed a glass of our pure undiluted, grape juice every single morning since
The glorious by product of his new routine is that he is suddenly very interested in grapes which is in stark contrast to the past. This year he offered to prune the grapes in the winter and he did not utter one word of irritation as we picked grapes in the fall. Usually picking grapes is a labor of love that takes days in the freezing cold. This year it took two hours in the balmy sunshine. A few things contributed to this miracle. 1) Heavenly Father blessed us with mild weather. That was just a blessing which we did nothing to earn. 2) Steve pruned the vines and removed the dead wood that the grapes usually tangle around. 3) The kids are getting old enough to actually help. 4) My Sister and her Boyfriend also picked. Thank you!
Best picking year ever!
The glorious by product of his new routine is that he is suddenly very interested in grapes which is in stark contrast to the past. This year he offered to prune the grapes in the winter and he did not utter one word of irritation as we picked grapes in the fall. Usually picking grapes is a labor of love that takes days in the freezing cold. This year it took two hours in the balmy sunshine. A few things contributed to this miracle. 1) Heavenly Father blessed us with mild weather. That was just a blessing which we did nothing to earn. 2) Steve pruned the vines and removed the dead wood that the grapes usually tangle around. 3) The kids are getting old enough to actually help. 4) My Sister and her Boyfriend also picked. Thank you!
The kids had already run to Grammy and Grampy's house
by the time we realized we needed a picture.
Best picking year ever!
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