Mom and C go to the zoo

We had so much fun at the zoo last month that I decided to take C to another free day while M, J, and D were in school. He loved it just as much this go around. His favorite were the seals and sea lions. He did not want to leave and insisted on watching them from every angle. The Turkmenian Markhors were also favorites because they were waging an epic battle or violent playtime. One of them kept slamming into the other and locking horns and dragging its face through the snow and mud. The sound of their horns hitting was shockingly loud.

We saw the giraffes on the way out. Do not be fooled by his cute face. 
He was ready to go and did not want to see the giraffes.

M, J, and D prefer Steve or I peel their oranges, but C grabbed his own when 
I did not get to it as fast as he thought I should. He is an independent soul.
