Our 4-H club put on a showmanship show to get the kids psyched for the upcoming season in a low stress environment. We do not raise animals in the winter so that means we borrow from others. I entered M, J, and D, but not C. I thought he was too little even though he really wanted to show goats this year. It was only when we were at the show that we learned he could participate. Steve ran home to grab some better, more show worthy clothes and the kids prepared for competition.
J's heart was not totally in it, but M and D did pretty well. However, the surprise was C. That boy talks a big talk but he started to chicken out once I handed him the goat. We told him to get it in the ring, hug it and definitely, no matter what, look at the judge! And shocker of all shockers... C won grand champion complete with candy and a Chick-fil-A gift card! Winning isn't everything, but it sure is fun.
The kids have deemed Noki an honorary champion. She will allow it.
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