Solar oven

With the war in Ukraine I am feeling the need to become more self-sufficient. Today our newest purchase arrived. A solar oven! For homeschool we talked about clean, renewable energy like solar, wind, and geothermal in addition to things we have already utilized such as electricity, coal, natural gas, and oil. It took all day but we made rice using the power of the sun.


I was excited and started my plants on February 7th. Too early. It makes me so happy to look at them. Sure hope I will be able to get them in the ground before they get too leggy. So far I have parsley, onion, potato, five varieties of tomatoes, three varieties of bell pepper, two varieties of basil, and two varieties of eggplant.  

Side note: In Come Follow Me, we talked about Joseph and his 11 brothers. M drew a picture of how the brothers probably felt about one another. Spoiler alert: probably not great.

