Steve and I have not been to the temple for 2 years. You know...covid. And then when the temples reopened I was really anxious about being in indoor spaces. Steve has not had near the anxiety that I have had and he has been ready to return to the temple for some time, but he prefers going with me rather than by himself.
All that backstory brings us to this moment...For our anniversary I though I felt good enough to do initiatories. I set an appointment for my favorite temple, Jordan River and we headed that way. I was so anxious about going however, that I got the dates wrong. Yep. We were a week early. The temple workers were very kind and made an exception to get us into a session instead of initiatories. I called home, talked to the kids, and gave them instructions to cook a frozen lasagna. Steve was thrilled that we were having a date night at the temple. Me? I was not so anxious that I was coming out of my skin so I call that a win. Happy 20 years Husband!
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