Taking the kids skiing

We finished our skiing/snowboarding lessons in December. Steve was able to take work off to be with us which was fun. Another huge benefit is that he could drive and was another adult to help mange the kiddos. But all that stops now because he has to go to work. I have decided we need to go weekly in order to take full advantage of our passes so it is time to put my big girl panties on and do this. I have no interest in going on the weekends when it is busy. It is hard enough to manage my wee ones without dodging crazy humans. 

So today is the day I had to be brave and take four children to the slopes and drive in a canyon in the winter all by my lonesome. And... it was fine. I was a stress case... but it was fine. I hope these kids of ours someday recognize how many awesome memories we made as a family.

In case you are wondering why there are so few pics of D, it's because he is in his element and likes to ride by himself on the lift. The boy is a natural. Seriously, seriously good.
