In our church we believe the priesthood is the power of God. Both worthy men and women hold the priesthood power but only men officiate or administer in that capacity. There are two priesthoods received by worthy males, first the Aaronic (lesser responsibilities, can be received the year boys turn 12) and second, the Melchizedek (greater responsibilities, can be received as early as 18 typically when young men go on missions).
J received the Aaronic Priesthood today and it was a sweet experience. Steve and J have been talking about the duties that come with being a priesthood holder. For him he'll be passing the sacrament in church and looking out for others in his group to make sure everyone feels welcome and needed. Grampy was able to help with the ordination. Thank you for coming!
J being a priesthood holder is a significant responsibility of service to others. We love you!
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