Second ski lesson

What a difference a week makes. Last week was beautiful and this week was a major snowstorm. I have never been in the mountains during a snowstorm because that would be stupid. Yet here we were. 

It was stunningly beautiful driving up the canyon. The snow falling from the sky and settling on the pine trees was gorgeous. No pictures of that because I was white-knuckling the arm rest and door.

The ski and snowboarding lessons were just as fun as they were last week. And the car ride home was just as great. There was a moment when our car hit some ice and slid toward the edge of the drop off, but Steve quickly righted it and we got back in our lane to continue moving at a snail's pace. Really, really glad we invested in chains. 

We made it to Brighton.

So incredibly awesome to be at the top of the Explorer lift as a family.

So glad Steve was there to help with chains and driving.
