Nail biter

C is a nail biter. We have tried so many things to deter him...colored nail polish, bribes, reminders, punishment, but to no avail. Our latest attempt is nasty flavored nail polish. I'll keep you posted.

In other news he continues to build and create.


And a word about Noki. She hates us. Like, legitimately hates us. Here is Noki's backstory...she belonged to a young girl, but lived at her grandmother's house. When the grandmother became too sick to care for Noki she stayed at the little girl's house but was attacked constantly by the two other cats that already lived there. She stayed a month and when things didn't improve the owners looked for a new home. That is where we come in. The previous owners were so kind and we went over all the standard questions. We talked a lot about how she is around children and they said she was wonderful around their daughter. And I believe Noki was sweet while she lived at an older, single woman's home and had visits from a little girl who is an only child

Our house is NOTHING like her previous life. We are loud, big, loud, boisterous, loud, numerous, and LOUD!!!!!!! IT sounds like a herd of elephants live here. Everyone wants to see and touch her at all times. This is extremely overwhelming for her and she spends much of her day hiding in absolute terror. When she does venture out she is immediately spotted and chased with the hope that this will be the moment she wants to be touched. It never is. I keep telling everyone to give her time because she is grieving and intimidated but eventually she will warm up. 

Today we got a glimpse of her accepting her new reality. She found a blanket on C's bed and cuddled up in it. And when the kids found her I told them not to touch her so she did not hiss or bite or run. We call that progress around these parts.
