Goat update

We have our goat routine down now. We go to the farm twice a day at 7:30 am and pm. We feed them grain and alfalfa. We get in the pen and touch them to help socialize and make them less jumpy when it comes time to be judged. And we just started walking them. It cracks us up every time we see a goat on a leash.

They have to shear the goats for competition. Never done that one before.

Getting goats on leashes is tricky business.

I hate this rooster. He is territorial and attacks us every single time go. Once he punctured my foot with his disgusting talons and I got an infection. Now I carry a piece of fencing to keep him at bay.
C feeds the rooster to show we come in peace. So far there has been zero progress.
Walking a goat. It's a thing.

I am always glad when Steve helps us clean out the pen. It's a nasty job.

The kids were excited to show their Aunt the goats but I forgot to warn her to wear muck boots or their equivalent. Her shoes will never be the same again. Goat poop is stinky, stinky, stinky.
