Camp quarantine

I was hesitant to send M to Young Women's camp because, you Steve, M, and I set up safety guidelines. Steve and M had a fantastic time. There was a ropes course, white water rafting, skits, camping, food, laughter, etc. Best. Camp. Ever. Steve forgot to take pictures so none can be included in this post but they LOVED it and they both had so much fun together which I loved. 

What I didn't love is that they did not follow the safety guidelines because it was embarrassing to wear masks and socially distance so M and Steve are quarantining at home for a week because the boys are not vaccinated and I'm not taking any chances. M is in her room. Steve is downstairs. We eat dinner in the garage or on the patio and C is having a sleepover with his brothers which is a dream come true.

To those of you who are reading this and thinking this is absolutely asinine and I am a crazy person, to you I would say...maybe. The truth is Covid has me pretty freaked out. I am in health care. The things I see are the things most people read about or hear through the grapevine. Most people are removed from the sadness, the fatigue, the death. I am not. So rather than being indignant, dismissive, incensed, aggressive, exasperated, or rude (emotions which are directed at me on a regular basis), put yourself in my shoes or any other health care worker. We (you, me, them) are all doing the best we can.
