Hateful cherry blossoms

I found out we could see the cherry blossoms at Cherry Hill Farm so we headed that way. We drove through the orchards and learned about pollination and how heaters warm the vast acres on freezing nights. We talked to one of the grandchildren who runs the orchard about how pesticides are used to combat the cherry fruit flies that plague local backyard cherry trees. The whole thing was interesting and we learned a lot. While we were there we had some family pictures taken. They were not my favorite but that's life...you win some, you lose some.


So after a fun, educational evening we decided to stop at the Red Barn for a frozen treat before heading home. We wore our masks because there is a pandemic going on and we believe in public health. As we were walking to the building several people threw us nasty looks so I had all my children gather closer around me because I wasn't sure if that was a fluke. 

It was not a fluke. 

My boys walked in the building first and a couple in their thirties coming out looked my boys up and down with pure hatred in their eyes and voice loudly said, "Stupid". I immediately said in an equally loud voice "Hello" while I made piercing eye contact with a smile. They immediately stepped back, mumbled "hello", and ducked out the door Steve held open. 

Blood boiling, I was on high alert. A quick glance around the room told me we were not welcome. No one smiled at us, but stared with coldness. It was easy to see their full expressions since the other patrons weren't wearing masks. Ironically most of the workers were. Sure some of them were wearing them on their chins, but technically they were wearing them. The kids were oblivious and no one else approached us so we ordered and left as quickly as possible. 

Hatred is hard to explain but I believe it starts with differences of opinion, a refusal to listen and  understand, withholding of acceptance, eventually evolving into "us vs them". Once chasms separate people, defenses and offensives are formed and war ensues with each side convinced they are righteously, zealously, honorably fighting for the only truth; forgetting or perhaps not even realizing there are scores of truths. 

It's a tragedy.
