It seems every backyard project we attempt takes an inordinate amount of time with copious amounts of arguing and our stucco project was no different. We signed with a company in February after months of vetting with the goal for work to start in May. Obviously we had not anticipated the coronavirus would hinder our plans.
When we were finally ready to move on the project, the construction company was inundated with all the now home bound homeowners making upgrades to their properties and we were pushed to the end of the stucco line. Why? Because we decided to have our sliding glass door replaced since it was cracking and we went with a company (that the stucco people recommended) who eventually delivered it correctly...on the fourth attempt. One of those times included an installation of a subpar product that I insisted they remove and replace. With that f.i.n.a.l.l.y complete, the individual in charge of stucco for the company turned out to be a piece of work and he and I spent weeks having words; direct and insistent on my part, ambivalent and dismissive on his.
The cherry on top of this poo fest was that Steve became irate any time there was a delay and there were about forty. This naturally created tension between us. He wanted to sue them and I just wanted the project done. It should be noted Steve is not a litigious man nor an angry one, but this is how maddening the process was working with this company.
I tell you all that to say this… I came home from work today to a finished project. Finally. What was supposed to take six weeks took six months. And though we are pleased with the results, we would never recommend these stucco or sliding glass door people to anyone.
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