Christmas Eve 2020

Christmas Eve 2020 proved to be a first of its kind. We usually visit Steve's parents and have a traditional holiday complete with clam chowder, bread sticks, rainbow jello, a lighted Christmas tree, carols playing in the background, presents, and...heat. This year, due to COVID, we improvised with a good new fashioned garage Christmas. It meant using space heaters, staying bundled, and wearing masks, but the weather was on the warmish side and the sun felt nice. Despite the difference in circumstances, it was a lovely afternoon and the kids loved celebrating with Grammy and Grampy. Thank you for the gifts, company, and for being good sports!

Minutes after Grammy and Grampy left, J and D launched their newly acquired drones only to have them become entangled in M and C's hair.

Sporting the new jammies.

Preparing for Santa's arrival. C required some encouragement to join the picture. The sugar high he was experiencing caused him to run in circles with exhausting energy.
