Christmas card 2020

This year we decided to reflect us in our Christmas card not just the shellacked version we normally send out. The kids made the cards, wrote notes, helped with the letter, stuffed the envelopes, and posed in front of the tree in whatever they were wearing. I thought it turned out perfect.
Making the cards. M thought it would be funny to pull faces.


Our letter:


Well Hello!

So 2020 took a turn, right? Things look different in our house just like they do in many of yours. Steve is working from home, Allyson is working in a hospital (not a coveted place to be in a pandemic), and we are homeschooling the kiddos. We took a moment to reflect on the best and worst of the year.


Steve: COVID

Allyson: Watching and/or feeling fear, uncertainty, suffering, guilt.

M: Not seeing extended family regularly.

J: Not playing basketball with friends.

D: It is boring.

C: I hate…I hate coronavirus.


Steve: Being home to see the little things.

Allyson: The world stopped and my family came home.

M: Not waking up early for school.

J: I am cooking.

D: We have lots of desserts.

C: Christmas songs on the computer.

We have been extremely blessed and remain grateful for the Savior and the knowledge that because He is in charge and is a God of Love, eventually things will be okay. Good will always win in the end. Merry Christmas and may your 2021 be a HECK of a lot better than 2020!
