Halloween 2020

It is a well-known fact that I love Halloween. I love the candy, the costumes, the kindness between neighbors. It is a wonderful holiday. It happens to be one of my children’s favorites as well. We thought long and hard about how to have a fun Halloween celebration since every single thing we love doing was not going to be a safe option this year. It should be noted that Halloween is Steve’s least favorite holiday so this pandemic was really working for him this year. 

My Sister and her Husband asked if they could throw a Halloween shindig in our garage. They got everything ready without the kids knowing and then they and their Cousin was invited to an epic party complete with trick-or-treating, games, and contests. They had a wonderful time. Thank you for planning that and making it happen! 


The kids requested green bean chili for dinner even though I tried to convince them candy is the only acceptable Halloween meal. Alas, we ate chili and watched the movie Transylvania. It turned out to be a wonderful pandemic Halloween. Happy Halloween!

