Accompanying Princess Bride

Today M was able to accompany us on the piano as we sang our opening hymn for home church. She played the beginner's classic: Sweet Hour of Prayer. Nice job Sweetie!


A few weeks ago I heard that the Wisconsin Democrats were hosting a live reading of Princess Bride with most of the original cast and ended with a Q and A. I got all kinds of silly giddy. Like much of America I LOVE PRINCESS BRIDE! At one point in my life I had the whole thing memorized. I made a donation so we could bask in the awesomeness of the event and made the whole fam gather around the computer to watch. Steve supported me even though his level of excitement didn't quite reach mine. The kids were far less enthused, but humored me. In the end, it was everything I didn't even know I needed. I spent much of it grinning, bouncing, and joyfully clapping. Steve and the kids were embarrassed for me.


Fun fact: I tried to convince Steve to name all three of our boys Wesley because of this movie. I also tried for Gilbert because....hellooooo....Anne of Green Gables. Duh. Steve vetoed both.

"Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die."

M finally got tired of my giddiness so she started braiding my hair to keep me still. 
It worked, but only barely.

