After months of discussion and planning and stress and second guessing the day has arrived...It's our first day of homeschool! The children posed for the obligatory first day pic, but they also wanted to include actions shots.
For PE we went swimming as a family and it was great. The pool is limiting the number of people so it felt like we had the whole place to ourselves.
M is taking an online cooking class so when we came home, she whipped up a plum chutney she learned to make for the pork chops I prepared.
For posterity's sake: Here is my first attempt at a lesson plan. It is liberating and terrifying to be solely responsible for choosing curriculum. What if I choose wrong? What if I should have chosen something else? What if I am inadequate? What if they fall behind because of me? What if I don't have the stamina for this? What if we all hate it or each other by the time this is over? What if...? What if...? What if...? As you can see the thoughts spiral. *sigh*
So after all was said and done, how was our first day?
A dream come true.
I wasn't sad like I usually am after I drop my kiddos off to be educated by teachers and influenced by peers. We all got along. The kids loved their newfound freedom. They gave me constructive feedback on some of the curriculum so we are going to change it. And I am so thrilled to be homeschooling. I have always said I wanted to, but never felt the need until now. This is going to work.
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