We are blessed

The coronavirus is scary. Lots of uncertainty and worldwide fear. Lots of unfounded, varying, loud opinions. And then there is the risk of death. It's hard to know which voices to listen to...but...Steve and I have talked repeatedly about how blessed we are in the midst of this crazy time.

We have our beautiful family.

We like each other.

We (currently) have our health.

We are used to being at home doing nothing.

Because of J's wheat allergy, we already eat all our meals at home.

The kids have been able to continue piano lessons virtually (much to their disappointment).

The kids have been able to continue school online (much to all our disappointment).

Steve has the ability to work from home.

We both work in health care so our jobs (while there are no guarantees) come with more security than others.

Other than the house, we are debt free.

We have savings.

We have food storage.

We have home church.

We got in the habit of daily family scripture study a few weeks before school was dismissed.

So...while, yes...this time in our lives is completely unprecedented, we are good for now. The scripture in D&C 38:30 is true, "...if ye are prepared ye shall not fear."

Disclaimer: I am fully aware that there are many people who are struggling physically, mentally, emotionally, and financially as a result of this pandemic. Just because I feel blessed during this storm does not mean others are experiencing it unscathed. I am so sorry you are hurting.
