School at home

I do not know what I should say in this post. The swear words screaming to get out seem inappropriate to post. So here it in a community of overachievers sometimes SUCKS! Utah's demographic has long been known to go above and beyond in just about everything. Normally I am able to roll my eyes and ignore such shenanigans, but when these people are my children's teachers who are now being forced to create online curriculum and adapt to the massive upheaval of their school year becomes complicated. I have been fine with their overachieving ways in the classroom, but when they want me to do it at home and report back, I become...ummm...let's just say it has not been pretty. Because of the teacher's expectations, M, J, and D have done online school for eight to nine hours a day for the last two weeks and NO ONE has been happy about it. This is not sustainable. You better believe I am providing thoughtfully constructed (cuss word free) feedback.

Being able to borrow Chromebooks today from the school cut us down to six hours.
