Birth Mom ornaments

When M was a new baby a friend suggested we buy two ornaments each Christmas season that signified her year; one would be sent to her birth mom and M would keep the other. That way when M grew up she would have highlights from years past plus something tangible to share with her birth mom. We have done that and the kids get excited to see what their ornament is each year. It occurred to me as we were taking down the tree that I have never documented the ornaments for the kids. So here it is in all of its documentation glory:


2007 - Polar Express. Our promise to birth parents to provide the magic of Christmas for M.
2008 - She constantly hugs and kisses us and her Birth Mom is our angel who made us parents.
2009 - She loves to be read to.
2010 - Her favorite movie is Cars and she would watch it all day if we let her.
2011 - She loves to wrap her things, give them to us as presents, and yell "Surprise!".
2012 - She started Kindergarten.
2013 - She started clogging and dances nonstop.
2014 - My Mom took us to Disneyland and we let the kids choose their own Disney ornaments.
2015 - Romi is her best friend and they share a sweet bond.
2016 - C is born
2017 - She is always drawing or creating a work of art.
2018 - Hawaii. We bought key chains because no ornaments were available in September.
2019 - For the first time she rides the bus to school.


2010 - Polar Express. Our promise to birth parents to provide the magic of Christmas for J.
2011 - He had a medically difficult year. We were constantly involved with interventions.
2012 - His favorite movie is Cars and he would watch it all day if we let him.
2013 - He plays with cars all day long and insists on sleeping with them too.
2014 - My Mom took us to Disneyland and we let the kids choose their own Disney ornaments.
2015 - He started preschool.
2016 - C is born
2017 - He started playing basketball and loves it.
2018 - Hawaii. We bought key chains because no ornaments were available in September.
2019 - Would have hot chocolate every second of every day if we let him.


2012 - Polar Express. Our promise to birth parents to provide the magic of Christmas for D.
2013 - He is constantly pretending to be ninja warrior.
2014 - My Mom took us to Disneyland and we let the kids choose their own Disney ornaments.
2015 - He has the most wonderful, constant infectious laugh.
2016 - C is born
2017 - He played basketball.
2018 - Hawaii. We bought key chains because no ornaments were available in September.
2019 - He ran track and cross country and enjoyed it.


2016 - Polar Express. Our promise to provide the magic of Christmas.
2017 - He loves to be read to.
2018 - Hawaii. We bought key chains because no ornaments were available in September.
2019 - Naughty and Nice. His moods change instantaneously.
