Finally moved in

We have lived in our house since before M was born. I have wanted bookshelves that entire time, but other things were more important so our boxes of books have been collecting dust for years.

But no longer!

We recently bought two bookcases and unpacked the last of our boxes.


Speaking of books, we checked out Froggy Goes to Hawaii from the library. C insisted we read it multiple times a day. We know it was one of his favorites because he ripped out a page. I have paid to have several library books repaired and the ripped ones are usually his most favorite. *sigh*

Anyway, after this one was ripped I set it up high so I could return it to the library, but somehow C got a hold of it again and lost the page. Losing that page meant I would pay $25 for the book instead of $1 for the repair. We searched for weeks and just found it today. PHEW!!!
