J is tested annually to determine if his wheat allergy has resolved. He had his appointment a few days ago and the phlebotomist was a sadist who dug the needle in both arms, burst his veins, and did not get any blood to test. It was bad. J was traumatized and I was furious. We had to wait for a week to try again. The phlebotomist this time was a miracle worker. One gentle stick and done in sixty seconds. J was so relieved. You can tell by the goofy look on his face. We have the same hope we have every year...that he will grow out of this allergy. We'll know in a few days.
Later when I cleaned out his backpack I found this note (spelling corrected): Dear Mom and Dad, Thank you for keeping me safe from wheat and make dinner. Thank you for everything. Sincerely, J
Sure do love our Sweet Boy.
He chose orange Coban to match his orange cast.
Later when I cleaned out his backpack I found this note (spelling corrected): Dear Mom and Dad, Thank you for keeping me safe from wheat and make dinner. Thank you for everything. Sincerely, J
Sure do love our Sweet Boy.
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