Nationals 2019

M had Nationals at Lagoon and this time Dad took her. It sounds like it was very different from the last two years where it rained and we froze. It also sounds like they had a really good time riding rides together. Daddy is much more adventourous than Mommy so they started on the Jet Star which shook up M and it took some convincing to try another one. That said, once they started going they had a blast on The Bat, Bombara, the Sky Ride, Wild Mouse, and Jumping Dragon. But Steve's personal favorite was Cannibal. He loves thrill rides and when he could not convince M to go with him, he left his phone and keys with her and climbed aboard. He loved the ride and M loved not being on the ride so it was a perfect match.

In clogging news, M clogged her heart out and Dad was so proud. The way her face lights up on stage is beautiful and she is so fun to watch. Way to go Baby Girl!
