D brought home an RSVP for this year's first grade Mom Spa and I was excited to spend some one on one time with that boy.
At my request, D played with my hair during the massage station.
Then we journaled which he was not really interested in as evidenced by some of his answers. For instance I asked what he likes to hear me say to him not what do you hear me say to you a hundred times a day. (Answer: Be kind. In real life it sounds more like this: D!!!!!!!!! BEEEEEEEE KIIIIIIIIIIINDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!)
Lastly he painted my nails which reminded me of the color J chose last year. They must be brothers or something.
D, I'm so glad we could do the Mom Spa together. I love you!
I ended up being asked to do one more party for M's class so her teacher could have a break. Luckily, my Sister in California came home for the weekend and we decided to surprise the kids at school. It was a sweet moment when M saw her, jumped in her arms, and got all teary eyed. I was not able to capture it on camera because I was herding all her classmates into the room, but it was sweet nonetheless.
As for the party, it totally rocked. My Sister and I came prepared with three games, but we only played one...crazy musical chairs. There are two rows facing each other plus a chair on each end and the end chairs are "it". Everyone sitting on the rows of chairs keeps their heads down, but as soon as they make eye contact with anyone, anywhere across from them they have to switch places before the "its" sit in their chairs. The game is loud, raucous, slightly violent and oh so much fun. There are no pics of the game because my Sister and I were too busy tending to bruises, carpet burns, and bonked heads, but the kids loved it. Especially M who I am pretty sure never sat down. While I would never have chosen to be room mom, I'm glad for the opportunity to be with her just a little longer in elementary school.
I should also mention the boys reactions to their Aunt surprising them. C stopped in his tracks, gasped, put his hand to his mouth, said her name, and then there was running and hugging. J gave the sweetest smile in the world and then just kept smiling. D...well...D didn't show any sign of recognition for about an hour and then it was business as usual. Three out of four ain't bad. Thanks for your help Sister! Glad you are home for a few days!
At my request, D played with my hair during the massage station.
Then we journaled which he was not really interested in as evidenced by some of his answers. For instance I asked what he likes to hear me say to him not what do you hear me say to you a hundred times a day. (Answer: Be kind. In real life it sounds more like this: D!!!!!!!!! BEEEEEEEE KIIIIIIIIIIINDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!)
Lastly he painted my nails which reminded me of the color J chose last year. They must be brothers or something.
D, I'm so glad we could do the Mom Spa together. I love you!
I ended up being asked to do one more party for M's class so her teacher could have a break. Luckily, my Sister in California came home for the weekend and we decided to surprise the kids at school. It was a sweet moment when M saw her, jumped in her arms, and got all teary eyed. I was not able to capture it on camera because I was herding all her classmates into the room, but it was sweet nonetheless.
Waiting for M to come in from recess.
As for the party, it totally rocked. My Sister and I came prepared with three games, but we only played one...crazy musical chairs. There are two rows facing each other plus a chair on each end and the end chairs are "it". Everyone sitting on the rows of chairs keeps their heads down, but as soon as they make eye contact with anyone, anywhere across from them they have to switch places before the "its" sit in their chairs. The game is loud, raucous, slightly violent and oh so much fun. There are no pics of the game because my Sister and I were too busy tending to bruises, carpet burns, and bonked heads, but the kids loved it. Especially M who I am pretty sure never sat down. While I would never have chosen to be room mom, I'm glad for the opportunity to be with her just a little longer in elementary school.
I should also mention the boys reactions to their Aunt surprising them. C stopped in his tracks, gasped, put his hand to his mouth, said her name, and then there was running and hugging. J gave the sweetest smile in the world and then just kept smiling. D...well...D didn't show any sign of recognition for about an hour and then it was business as usual. Three out of four ain't bad. Thanks for your help Sister! Glad you are home for a few days!
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