It's clogging competition season and as M has moved up through the ranks the time commitment has increased. We spent six hours at this one. I'm glad she loves it. She leaves her heart and soul on the dance floor every time and watching her is so fun.
I was especially proud of her during freestyle. Freestyle is when a dancer is dancing alone in front of the audience, other dancers, and judges to their own choreography. Just as she was supposed to start her freestyle she slipped which left her starting on a different beat. Cool as cucumber she threw out her entire choreography and improvised on the spot. Afterwards, she asked if I saw her slip, I said we all did, and then we looked at each other and laughed while I hugged her. I was equally impressed with her reaction after her slip as I was with her improv on stage. Learning that mistakes happen and you are not going to be perfect every time is a necessary life skill. Laugh a little, brush yourself off, and keep going. That's my girl.
I was especially proud of her during freestyle. Freestyle is when a dancer is dancing alone in front of the audience, other dancers, and judges to their own choreography. Just as she was supposed to start her freestyle she slipped which left her starting on a different beat. Cool as cucumber she threw out her entire choreography and improvised on the spot. Afterwards, she asked if I saw her slip, I said we all did, and then we looked at each other and laughed while I hugged her. I was equally impressed with her reaction after her slip as I was with her improv on stage. Learning that mistakes happen and you are not going to be perfect every time is a necessary life skill. Laugh a little, brush yourself off, and keep going. That's my girl.
M and I had dinner at K's Japanese Kitchen and it was yummy comfort food.
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