Broken Easter

This week has been yucky. Steve has been in St George for work and poor D has been throwing up so we have all been on lock down. Then on Saturday I worked an awful shift. I walked in the door at 10:30 at night and one of the first things Steve says to me is that something might be wrong with J's arm. Apparently he and the boys were in the backyard when he heard a scream come out of J that he has never heard before. Steve did not have a lot of details, but knew the boys were on the slide. For the rest of the night J protected his arm. I asked Steve if he had tried to throw a ball or stuffed animal at J to see if he would instinctively catch it. The answer was no.

So Easter morning dawned bright and beautiful. The kids ate candy and admired the new cups we gave them.

D built a candy castle.

C built a candy castle because he wanted to be like D.

D wanted to take pictures. We were his subjects.

Pulling silly faces.

Again...he wanted to be like D.

I was boiling some eggs to dye later with the kids when Steve came in with a stuffed animal to toss at J since he was still favoring his arm. I grabbed it from him and tossed it at J who did not even try to catch it, but grabbed his arm instead (odd). A few minutes later I noticed his arm was swollen. I called Steve over and showed him. He insisted J and I leave for the InstaCare immediately.

And that is how J and I spent Easter morning getting his arm x-rayed. Clearly I needed more details about the previous day which J was happy to provide. At about 3:00 pm Dad was working on the sprinklers. D and J were on the slide and had started pushing each other because they were irritated that the other was taking so long to go down. D got the final shove in and sent J down the slide on his knees. When J hit the dirt, he rolled over his wrist and started screaming because it hurt so bad.

Official diagnosis? Buckle fracture, right radius.

You can see the buckle in the largest arm bone on the left about an inch from top. The bone is supposed to be completely smooth and instead there is a small bump. 
Good news: it is the most common and best fracture to have.

They wrapped and stabilized his arm with instructions to get a cast in a few days. Steve felt pretty bad and thought maybe he should have asked J a few more questions when it happened. This would be a good time to point out that Steve and I parent differently and the kids need us both. But yeah...some more questions in the future would be good.

We made it back in time for church and spent the rest of the day as a family eating candy and dyeing eggs.

After church pics.

Dyeing eggs.

Mixing (and spilling) the dye once the eggs were jewel toned.

Mixing (and spilling) the dye once the eggs were jewel toned
 because again...C LOVES D and wants to do anything his brother is doing.

My Sister in California called and the kids were very excited to chat with her.

C was so excited we had to give him a disctraction. He grabbed Steve's phone and started taking pics of me so we went with it.

And then we lovingly tucked everyone in bed and awoke hours later to J puking. Sooo...looks like we might have another yucky week ahead of us.

Happy Easter!
