A regular day

While I took the kids to school Daddy found C reading himself a story.

Then C and I went to the Butterfly Biosphere and it was awesome. The butterflies are so active and the light streaming in is so bright. Because C loved it there are no pictures. I spent most of the time cautiously chasing him as he darted after every butterfly he spotted. I was able to take this pic of him with a caterpillar without worrying he would accidentally squish it.

I decided it was time to try cutting his hair so he watched Ninjago while I experimented. Let's just say the first cut made it very obvious that I pay people to do this for a reason. The end result was not awful because his curls hide a lot.

His distressed look was similar to the one on my face.

When M came home from school she was reading a Friend magazine and saw this:

She said, "Mom, listen to this" and read it to me. Then she looked at me with narrowed eyes, head tilted to the side, lips pursed, and said, "That is a lie! Brothers are annoying! They don't stop when you ignore them. That just makes them louder." And then she laughed and I joined her. I laughed with pure joy. You know why? My kid is critically processing information. She is hearing something that we tell people all the time "Just ignore them and they will leave you alone" which is a harmful lie. And my girl read it, recognized it for the lie it is, and told me how ridiculous it was. She will need that discernment (or B.S. meter) for the rest of her life and I am so grateful she is honing it now. (A word to Jack C...this commentary is not meant as a criticism of how you choose to interact with your brothers. It is wonderful this works for your family. Best wishes in your future.)

Finally it was bedtime and Steve was hoping to relax, but wanted to do a quick load of laundry. (The man does his own laundry because he hates the way I do it. True story.) As he was putting the wet clothes in the dryer, a piece of metal fell from the shelf above and landed directly in the open lint vent. Instead of relaxing, he had to take the dryer apart to dig out the metal. He was not pleased. He called the event, "A comedy of errors". Sure do love that man.
