C's first cavity fill

Today C had his three cavities filled. He is one independent soul and called the shots the entire time. He overheard the child life specialist asking another child what smell they wanted in their anesthesia mask. The other child took some time to test several scents and settled on bubble gum. C immediately turned to me and said he wanted bubble gum and he said the same thing to the child life specialist fifteen minutes later. He watched other kids ride to their surgeries in a child sized derivable car and he wanted that until it was his turn and the tech tried to help into the car while I was talking to the anesthesiologist. Then it was a hard no and I could feel the surgical team bracing for a battle. I walked to the hall and motioned C to come to me. Then I introduced him to the Dr who gave me his first name to nake C more comfortable (which was sweet and appreciated, but my kids are not allowed to call an adult by their first name without a title attached). I told C he needed to hold the Dr's hand and walk down the hall where he was going to get a mask with bubble gum smell in it. I told him it was going to be awesome, gave him a hug and a kiss, and told him I loved him. He hugged me, told me he loved me, and then reached out and grabbed the Dr's hand and they walked down the hall. At the last second he turned around and waved over their joined hands. It was unbelievably sweet and every single person in that room melted. That's my darling Baby Boy.

Everything went well since it was thankfully just cavities. However, while we were at the hospital I got a text from my Sister saying she was in a different emergency room with a blood clot. We are praying for you!
