School is back in session. I missed M, J, and D, but it was hard to miss C. He insisted on helping load the washer. Brought over a step stool and everything.
After he got dressed for the day he shoved socks on his hands and waved them around in front of the mirror. He was pretty impressed with himself.
C's socks on his hand turned out to be foreshadowing because as soon as M got home she showed me the hand puppet she and her friends played with during recess. She was tickled pink and walked around shoving her fist in our faces and using a deep silly voice to talk to us. It was funny.
After he got dressed for the day he shoved socks on his hands and waved them around in front of the mirror. He was pretty impressed with himself.
C's socks on his hand turned out to be foreshadowing because as soon as M got home she showed me the hand puppet she and her friends played with during recess. She was tickled pink and walked around shoving her fist in our faces and using a deep silly voice to talk to us. It was funny.
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