Tree trimming 2018

We put the tree up tonight.

Normally tree trimming is a fun tradition for the kids, but M was wildly distracted since she had a science project due the next day. She had to build a house for penguins that showed two different types of heat conductors. The teacher has been teaching for several years and told the class to "be creative" because she has seen it all. I hate teachers like this. I get it. You're bored, but this is my kid's first time. Her comment immobilized my perfectionist daughter because she was so afraid it would not be exciting enough. To her credit M worked on an ambitious project for days but it disintegrated when C grabbed a hold of it. (I tried to talk her out of using cornstarch and water to build penguin furniture, but alas... Science lesson learned.) So there we were at 9:00 pm the night before it was due and no project in sight. It's times like these when desperation (and irritation) foster inspiration. I had washed canning jars that were drying on the counter and realized they would make a perfect igloo. Add some battery operated tea lights, aluminum foil, and a printed pic of a penguin and we were in business. Her teacher said it was simple and cute. I have no idea if that was a compliment or if it even met her expectations, but her classmates thought it rocked and M was a science hero for the day.
