Thanksgiving 2018

This was the first time in our seventeen years together that it was just us for Thanksgiving. Steve's parents were out of state at his Brother's house and my family was doing their own thing. The kids weren't sure if it would still be Thanksgiving without extended family, but they reported at the end of the night that it was pretty great even though it was quieter than in years past. The kids played outside, we watched movies, ate and enjoyed each other's company. Steve kept asking me what was wrong because I was so calm and peaceful. I told him that is what contentment looks like. Guess he doesn't see that side of me very often since I am usually neck deep in a project or "fighting social injustice". His words, not mine. It was nice to take a break, slow down, and love the fam.

I am so truly blessed to have Steve, M, J, D, and C in my life. Life would feel hollow and empty without them.
