J is 8. He has such a tender soul. He is sweet and kind. He is the gentlest big brother to D and C even when they are throwing punches. He is interested in and complimentary of everything M does. He is a gentleman and always opens doors for people. He likes Legos, playing computer games, swimming, and basketball. He makes friends easily and asks people questions. He loves his Dad and looks for opportunities to be with him. He is my little sweetheart. I am so grateful his birth mother chose us to be his parents. Our lives would be so empty our J.
Grammy and Grampy made a chocolate cake for J's birthday (his favorite).
He got his very own waffle iron since his wheat allergy prohibits us from sharing.
Steve's parents got a new game that was entertaining to watch.
The next day we celebrated with waffles for dinner.
J was on cloud 9 and now wants waffles everyday.
For his birthday celebration he chose swimming and we all had a wonderful time.
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