Rice, crackers...and rain

We survive in this house by writing everything down. My kids have become fabulous list makers because they know there is a better chance of me making their dreams come true if it is in print. Today were making a shopping list and eventually we realized C had his own list going. He had paper and pencil and would say slowly and methodically, "Rice...Crackers..." and then start scribbling. It was dang adorable. We start 'em young in this house.

On the other hand D used his paper to draw an odd looking stick figure that sent him into gales of laughter every time he looked at it. That little boy's laugh is contagious so it was awhile before we went grocery shopping.

There is something so beautiful about rain. When it starts, we run to the door, throw it open and sit wrapped in blankets and watch it come down.

In other news...I sent Steve to the store for pork for the dinner we plan to serve at the Ronald McDonald Family Room. I asked him to get 25 pounds. He brought home 70. He was pretty upset but I thought it was hilarious. I mean, pork freezes so it was no big deal. Now I don't have to buy pork for a looooong time. It took him several days, but he eventually saw the humor too.

Ha! That face! Cracks me up every time.
