I am crazy strict when people are sick in this house. No one enters or leaves a sick person's room except a parent. Hand washing is an absolute must. Clothes are changed after any physical contact with the sicky. Drills are run that include where to vomit and "throw up bowl" placement. The sick child can sleep, drink fluids, and watch TV which is great when you are actually sick, but stinks when you are not.
Which brings us to this post...J decided to fake illness today. I gave him every opportunity to come clean, but he insisted he was down for the count. Even when I told him he would have to stay in bed all day and could not watch TV he still stuck with his story. And so began one of the longest days of his life. About an hour in he had a "miraculous" recovery, but I told him I couldn't rely on that since he had been soooooo sick only one hour before. That little boy was bored out of his gourd. Eventually I brought him some wood, glue, and nails so he could build something productive, but other than that it was him and four walls.
When I tucked him in at night I told him it was important to always be honest and he smiled and told me this is the last time he would be fake sick. Doubtful, but it will be a while before he pulls this again.
Which brings us to this post...J decided to fake illness today. I gave him every opportunity to come clean, but he insisted he was down for the count. Even when I told him he would have to stay in bed all day and could not watch TV he still stuck with his story. And so began one of the longest days of his life. About an hour in he had a "miraculous" recovery, but I told him I couldn't rely on that since he had been soooooo sick only one hour before. That little boy was bored out of his gourd. Eventually I brought him some wood, glue, and nails so he could build something productive, but other than that it was him and four walls.
When I tucked him in at night I told him it was important to always be honest and he smiled and told me this is the last time he would be fake sick. Doubtful, but it will be a while before he pulls this again.
The house he designed during his "illness."
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