Zoo with Dad

Steve has taken the week off so we headed to the zoo to show him how awesome free day at the zoo is.

But before we could go, we had to clean the house and have adventures. Like this:

And this:

The trip did not go exactly as hoped. We got there in the afternoon and it was packed. We had been there about ten minutes when D started feeling sick. So he and I rested while the others explored the zoo in winter.

J has recently decided he likes having his picture taken.


First time seeing the "Rocky Shores" exhibit. He liked it. Also, he's cute.

Remember how J likes his picture taken? Well he has also decided he likes to stick his tongue out and/or pull faces in most pictures.

M finally gave into sibling pressure and joined him.

Another rest, but in good spirits.

So cool to get so close. Also, I love being separated by tall, thick glass.

Another free, cold, wet day at the zoo. Thank you Salt Lake City!

We ended the night watching an episode of AFV after recently introducing it the kids. Did you know they are in the 28th season and it is still funny?
