Fall break in St George

Steve spent the week in St George for work and it just so happened that Fall Break lined up perfectly with his trip. So we joined him. And if that wasn't awesome enough J's birthday was the same weekend.

Before we could go we had to decorate for Halloween. I have not gotten around to it and time was running out. M has been asking politely every day, multiple times a day if the decorations were happening. It took a half hour and after it was done I asked M if it was what she envisioned. She cocked her head to the side studied the house and said, "No...It's better". I made her day and she made mine.

We stopped at the Cache Valley Cheese Factory Outlet in Beaver for ice cream. It was a quaint little place that was hopping. I could not believe how busy it was. We grabbed our ice cream and headed outside where we froze in the chilly wind. No wind could dampen my kiddos spirits because we were headed to St George to see Daddy!

It was nice and toasty down south and the kids went wild for Steve. We let J choose what activities he wanted for his birthday and he chose to see Ninjago. The kids liked it, Steve thought is was okay, and I felt like I lost some brain cells.

The next morning we headed to the St George Temple grounds for a breakfast picnic while Daddy worked.

C wanted to take a pic with his siblings. And then he didn't.

Then off to the Glitter Mine for an adventure. (Now this next part I share with permission and a disclaimer. DO NOT DIG IN THE GLITTER MINE WITHOUT PERMISSION!!!! Before going to St George I researched fun and interesting things to do and found countless "Mommy Blogs" talking about "Glitter Mountain" with in depth instructions about how to get there and what to bring. We went, had a totally awesome time, and as we left were directed to a small sign off to the side of the mine stating: it was an active mine, Feller Stone held the rights to the property, and digging was prohibited. I felt sick. I am an honest, law abiding, rule following gal and I had just had a blast breaking the law. Stupid Mommy Bloggers! Once we got home, I called Feller Stone and explained that we had unknowingly, illegally mined their claim. I apologized profusely and offered to pay for what we had taken. The gentleman on the other end accepted my apology and told me I did not need to pay, but to please not do it again. We talked about what a neat place it is and how the "Mommy Blogs" have put a spotlight on it. He explained that as a company they are trying to figure out how to handle the influx of people who have descended on their claim. They might open it up so that people can pay $5-$10 and have a cool mining experience, but they are undecided. Soooo...long story long...we loved the Glitter Mine and would love to go again, but do NOT go there without permission from Feller Stone.)

Read the plaque before mining.

The top of the mine.

Exploring all of it.

He loved this place.

M and D were huge fans as well. J was less impressed. He sort of smiled for the pic and then asked for the umpteenth time when we were leaving.

The next day we went to Pioneer Park. Now that is a cool park. 52 acres of rock formations to climb on and jump from. We were there for hours and could have been there even longer.

D found a lizard within minutes of arrival.

This was a first...I loved that our kids were climbing and exploring. Steve was a wreck because he was afraid they would fall and get hurt. It was nice to switch it up.

Behind us is a very narrow slot canyon. We learned J does not like tight spaces when Steve took M, J, and D to conquer it. M and D scooted right up, J refused to budge so Steve perched him on a ledge and told him not to move. After he caught up with M and D he circled back to the bottom of the slot canyon to rescue J. Tell you what...it's never a dull moment with kids.

Then we headed to Sand Hollow Aquatic Center for some swimming. Well, Steve and the kids swam. I forgot my swimsuit so I snapped pictures from the sidelines while I cursed my forgetfulness under my breath. Everyone loved it and we will definitely go again. Maybe I'll even bring my suit next time.

We ended the night with a trip to the dollar store and let each kid pick their own treat for J's birthday. They thought that was pretty dang neat.

All in all it was a fun and adventuresome trip to St George that my kiddos raved about.
