One thing that stinks about food allergies is that there are no cheap convenience foods. It is either really expensive to buy snacks or it is a huge production. Since I am not interested in purchasing expensive wheat free foods, I usually make them for a fraction of the cost, but man, is it a production. Today I churned out six batches of banana muffins. After several hours I had 108 muffins ready to freeze for future school lunches and a filthy kitchen.
I also had a filthy baby. While I measured and measured again, C happily played at my feet...except for when he raided the recycle bin in the pantry and found the mostly eaten strawberry yogurt container. Blech!
I also had a filthy baby. While I measured and measured again, C happily played at my feet...except for when he raided the recycle bin in the pantry and found the mostly eaten strawberry yogurt container. Blech!
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