Silver Lake

Steve has been euphoric with all the hiking he has been able to do lately and he did not want that to end so while I went to work he called my Sister to see if she would hike Silver Lake with him and the kids. When I got back at the end of my shift I heard quite the story. All of them declared I would have HATED it and KILLED Dad. (Which is only half true...the man's life would have been spared.) Apparently this hike was a little more Steve's style and required some grit which my children pulled out in droves. The thing is...Steve didn't know this hike was as intense as it was so even he was a little surprised. I was told the trail was steep, had almost no shade, lake was beautiful, but had a sheer drop off into deep water, it took twice as long as expected, and they ran out of water and provisions. Soooooo clearly I would have reacted strongly. Such a good thing I was working. Everyone said they had a good time and when I asked if they wanted to do it again there was some hesitation, but eventual yeses. Except my Sister...there was no hesitation. She had a great time and she and Steve will probably do this one again sans the little humans.
