When I picked D up from school another little boy ran past him, scooped down, plucked a dandelion, asked D if I was his Mom and then presented me with the flower before running to board the bus. The whole interaction was over in ten seconds and had me laughing at that little guy's antics.
It did not have D laughing. He refused to be outdone by his classmate and found several dandelions on the way home to give to me.
Once home C found the perfect spot for lounging while D ate lunch. He thought he was so funny.
Then it was downstairs for reading. And making faces which is one of D's favorite pastimes.
M continued to flex her artistic muscles and crafted a cat from a wheat free dough.
And there was dinner. I served a rice stir fry and after placing J's plate in front of him returned to the stove with Steve to continue dishing up. There was a crash behind us and I whipped around ready to holler at J for messing around and breaking a plate. Only he didn't. So I didn't. Somehow the heat from the food caused the plate to explode. Seriously. I had no idea that could happen. How random is that? No one was hurt so it was just really funny and really weird.
D held the boy's flower for me.
It did not have D laughing. He refused to be outdone by his classmate and found several dandelions on the way home to give to me.
Once home C found the perfect spot for lounging while D ate lunch. He thought he was so funny.
Then it was downstairs for reading. And making faces which is one of D's favorite pastimes.
M continued to flex her artistic muscles and crafted a cat from a wheat free dough.
And there was dinner. I served a rice stir fry and after placing J's plate in front of him returned to the stove with Steve to continue dishing up. There was a crash behind us and I whipped around ready to holler at J for messing around and breaking a plate. Only he didn't. So I didn't. Somehow the heat from the food caused the plate to explode. Seriously. I had no idea that could happen. How random is that? No one was hurt so it was just really funny and really weird.
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