
One day at swim lessons this summer I sat by a gal who volunteers for Bluffdale's city celebration. She spent the whole time trying to convince me to make the trek because of all the free stuff they were doing for families. I listened politely until she said, "Our firefighters fill a retention basin with foam and the kids run through it and get lost". Yes!!!! I'm in! What a cool thing to do!

So today Grammy and Grampy took the kiddos school shopping (Thank you! by the way.) and then we all headed to Bluffdale to get lost in foam. It was fun to watch and the kids had a great time until they inhaled too much of it and started choking on the chemicals in the flame retardant foam. So there was some risk involved. Totally worth it.

After we had our fill of foam, we walked around the rest of the exhibits. It was safety night. We got to see the lifeflight helicopter land and we got to sit inside.

Grammy and Grampy took C for a walk around the veterans memorial.

Steve challenged the kids to a crash test. M and D accepted and forever swear to wear their seat belts.

And the other exciting thing we got to see is the K-9 unit demonstrate their awesome skills. Those dogs are shockingly powerful. M, J, and D swore on their little lives they would never intentionally do anything to be on the other end of that police force. Win for me!

What a cool, fun, free family night. Thanks lady at swim lessons for talking your city celebration up! It did not disappoint.
