Scout Falls

Steve's passion in life besides God and family is hiking. In the early years of our marriage we hiked together frequently, but once I went to grad school and started working weekends it became Steve's thing. Every so often he'll mention how he would like me and the kids to tag along so today we took advantage of a day off with good weather to hike Scout Falls.

I know it looks like we hiked to OUT FAL.
We're trying to fake you out.

Prior to leaving, Steve's description was something like, it is a cool hike, mostly shaded, the kid's can play in the waterfall, great for families...yada, yada, yada. In hindsight...I should have asked more questions.  Other than Timpanogoes Cave for M's birthday, the last hike I did was four years ago to Battle Creek Falls. I no longer consider myself a hiker or in good shape so some valuable things to know would have been: 1) How long is this hike? 2) What does the end destination look like? 3) Can the kid's play in the water once we get there? or 4) Are there any treacherous drop offs? You know, just your basics.

So we start hiking. The weather is warm, but not overwhelming. There are swallowtail butterflies everywhere. And the path was manageable. Things were going great until 15 minutes on the trail when the kids started asking, "Are we there yet"? This is when Steve tells me it is a four mile round trip hike. Four miles?! I was not interested in hiking four miles today. I tell the kids they are not allowed to ask if we are there because it is going to be a looooonnnnggggg time before we arrive and Mommy does not have that kind of patience.

After a long while we finally see a waterfall and snap a pic, but I am confused when the trail leads away from the falls and not to it.

After two and half hours we arrive at our destination...a treacherous, slick, narrow, 15 foot ledge that skirts behind the top of the waterfall. I stare at Steve with disbelief on my face. Where are the kids going to play? I ask. Right here! He says. I married a crazy man. There is a 200 foot steep drop off right in front of us and that blessed man has lost his mind if he thinks my babies are going to play in that while I sit back and watch. To be fair, he thinks I am the crazy one and tells me I would be a lot more fun if I learned how to relax and not worry so much. That is definitely true, but is not going to happen today. So I spend the time biting my tongue and praying while Steve spends the time trying to get me to loosen up because nothing is going to happen. The cosmos heard us so of course J takes a nasty tumble on the way down and rips his hands and his knees to bits. His screams reverberated off the mountain side. Impressive stuff, but at least nothing happened while we were at the top

C clapped when he saw the falls.

M was caught off guard by the chilly drips falling on her head.

J loved seeing the sights with Daddy's binoculars.

My favorite picture. 
However, you should know M is threatening D through clenched teeth. Something along the lines of, "Get your hands off me"!

I think we all breathed a sigh of relief when we made it back to the car in mostly one piece. Overall it was a fine experience and good to be together. And I was reminded yet again how valuable it is to communicate with one's spouse.
