July 4th 2017

We headed to Grammy and Grampy's for their annual neighborhood July 4th breakfast and parade.

The breakfast was yummy. The folks in charge overestimated the number of people attending and made a gigantic amount of bacon. They kept walking around offering more. I ate about a half pound. Note to self: bacon is delicious is small quantities, less so in large ones.

We enjoyed the parade.

My children assumed the position.

C waved at everything that went by.

There was also lots of pointing.

Then we headed to the end of the block where the fire truck had hooked a hose to the fire hydrant and was dousing everyone. Totally got in on that! It was only after about ten minutes that I realized my Sister and I were the only adults. Their loss. We had a blast!

It's always important to say "Thank you!"

We had a lovely leisurely afternoon with Grammy and Grampy. Thanks for inviting us!

Grampy filled a bucket so they could bob for balloons.

They also got a ride on the dolly.

And Grammy spent a solid chunk of time filling water balloons. 
I love that your pants are soaked!

Then back to our place for our traditional silly string fight and pop-its.

C had some collateral damage he was not thrilled about.

We ended with a block party and fireworks next door. Steve, M, and I attended while the boys zonked out for the night. They were tuckered out. So tuckered out that they did not wake once during the crazy loud fireworks display our neighbors put on. That was quite the show. Thanks for inviting us!

Happy 4th!
