Nationals 2017

M was able to compete in Nationals at Lagoon. At first I was bummed because you have to pay to watch her clog, but I started thinking...what a perfect excuse to leave Steve home with the boys and have a Mommy/daughter day.

So that's what we did. She clogged her little heart out and did a great job. Despite the fact it was 48 degrees. It was supposed to be 58. We were under prepared. Thankfully it got warmer as the day went on.

Afterwards she and I hit the rides. Best feeling in the world to have my little girl grab my hand and jump up and down with excitement and drag me to the next ride. I decided this would be her day so I let her choose the rides and in what order. That meant we were running from one end of the park to the other after each ride. It was so much fun.

Here's what we were able to go on:

Bombora - rode it twice and loved it.

Puff the Little Fire Dragon - for little tiny children...perfect thrill level for us.

Roller Coaster - I hate this one, but M really wanted to do it. I screamed so loud the teenagers in front of us turned around to laugh at me. And M was so terrified she never made a peep, but let go of the restraint and held on to me. I'm still chuckling about the experience. Completely cured her of her desire to ride Wicked and Cannibal.

Bat - rode it twice. M loved the sensation of flying.

Dragonfly - a pleasant one we both enjoyed.

Space Scrambler - Similar to the Dragonfly, but much faster.

Jumping Dragon - we were dizzy afterwards. Not a favorite.

Sky Ride - I hate, hate, hate this one, but M wanted to do it. Heights are terrifying for me. I made her promise to sit motionless. Which she did, but we got stuck at the top and others were making the cars sway. And then there was the teenager who put her legs over the restraint and I was sure she would plunge to her death in front of me. So I spent the whole time gripping the rail with one arm so tightly that it was numb and the other gripping M's leg. I was trying to play it cool, but M finally turned to me and asked, "Why are you being so weird"? Sooooo...guess I wasn't as nonchalant as I was trying to appear.

Spider - fun, fast, and it convinced M she did not want to ride Wild Mouse after all.

Tilt-a-Whirl - rode it twice and so so so fun. We laughed hard on this one.

Here is my takeaway from the day. I have one great kid and I love spending time with her. I 'm so grateful she still wants to hang out with me. I was watching kids from her team who preferred riding with their friends and they would certainly never hold their mom's hand in public. I know it won't last much longer so I am soaking it in while I can.

And it is official. I'm one lucky Mom. Love you Baby Girl!
