Steve is 41

So Steve turned 41. How weird is that? He was out of town on business, but arrived home in time to celebrate and brought specialty sodas with him.

All he wanted was to go on a date with me (and C) so my Sister came over to watch the older three. It was nice to have an hour with him. Thank you Sister!

Once we got back home, we whipped out the sodas and wheat free brownies.

We tried all the flavors. Orange Passion Fruit Guava tasted like a public restroom and Birthday Cake tasted like a public swimming pool. They did not taste good, I cannot recommend them, and I also cannot tell you how I know they tasted like a bathroom and pool. On the bright side, Nehi Peach still tastes as good as I remember from when I was a kid.

 Dad is how old?

So sad Dad is old!

The presentation of the brownies.

Unwitting twinners.

The man I love.

Now as much fun as he had celebrating with me, my Sister and the kids. His real birthday present was going with my Brother to see Regina Spektor. He talked about that concert for days. Glad you guys had fun!
