J's Thanksgiving feast

J's Kindergarten teacher has been awesome and has facilitated a food free classroom. What an absolute relief. Today was the Kindergarten Thanksgiving feast and J was excited to participate. I was nervous, but determined to make it a safe situation. I asked what they were serving and mimicked the meal at home. He loved having "chicken bites" while his classmates were having chicken nuggets. (J asked what I was making for him. I cut up and sauteed some chicken breast. The name "chicken bites" was me thinking on my feet. Pretty proud of that.) So the end of the story is he had a great time and loved eating with everyone. He was also pretty proud of the Indian costume he made.

1st grade is going to be tough for me to help him safely navigate. I am not sure how lunch is going to work. Guess we will cross that bridge when we come to it.
