D is in preschool

Today D joins his school going siblings. He is a preschooler. Unlike M and J he was not excited at all. In fact, when I took him to the open house we got in the car and I said, "Let's do this"! and he replied, "Let's not do this!" When we arrived, our conversation went like this:

Me: Get out of the car.
D: I'm not getting out of the car.
Me: Get out of the car.
D: I'm not getting out of the car.
Me: Get out of the car right now. (using my quiet, scary Mom voice I don't want people to overhear)
D: (silent, yet angry slinks out of the car)

Once we got inside he liked it, but the lead up was brutal.

Anyway, since then he has been counting down the days and before the big event we snapped some sibling school pics.

As I dropped him off my heart was heavy. Where has the time gone?

Now there is just one left.
