Rough couple days

C was evaluated for tongue and lip tie by an oral surgeon and he officially has it. So his frenulum was cut and he and I will be doing therapy three times a day for the next two weeks to teach him how to use his tongue. He also had his circumcision which he found unpleasant. That little guy is a pin cushion. Every time he turns around he is cut into.

In preparation for his appointments we gave him his first bath. He did not like it.

The proof.

He's a month old drowning in a newborn outfit. He is so tiny. He is in the zero percentile. Hurt my heart when the doctor told us. He has a lot of gaining to do.

M, J, and D are so glad to have us home. The other night J said, "I love when we are all a family at home". Me too, Little Man. We are out of sync as a family and emotions have been running high so in an effort to reconnect and have a little fun we got some shaved ice and Steve and the kids had a water balloon fight in the backyard. Neither attempt was was so hot and windy the shaved ice melted and nearly blew away and Steve hit M with a water balloon and though the water balloon did not burst, she did. Tears everywhere. But let's be honest...she wasn't crying about the water balloon. The poor thing has been keeping it all in since C's birth.

Spraying Daddy with the hose after he hit her with a water balloon. He is a great Dad.

 I got to love on M. It's what we both needed.
I love my sweet little girl.

It's been a rough couple of days.
